HW Helper

 Week of August 19, 2013

A Tale from the Iditarod
by: Robert J. Blake

Reading Vocabulary- Tested Friday

blizzard- A very long, heavy snowstorm with strong winds
checkpoint -A place along a route where a check or count is made
courageous- Having or showing courage; brave
experience- Possessing skill or knowledge from having done a particular thing in the past
musher- The driver of a dog sled team
rugged- Having a rough, uneven surface

Spelling Words -Tested Friday

Week of December 3,2012 

Week of November 5, 2012

by: Laurie Carlson

Reading Vocabulary- Tested Friday

adventurer -A person who takes part in bold, dangerous, or risky activities
determined-Having or showing firmness in sticking to a goal
frontier-A remote or distant area beyond which few or no people live
gear- Equipment, such as tools or clothing, used for a particular activity
opportunity- A good chance to advance oneself
pioneer-A person who settles in an unknown, unclaimed region
settler- A person who settles, or makes a home, in a new region

Spelling Words -Tested Friday

Go to Our Spelling City webpage for lots of fun ways to practice your words!
gear, spear, sharp, stare, alarm, cheer, square, hairy, heart, weird, starve, charm, beard, hardly, spare, stairs, year, charge, dairy, scarce, pioneer, awareness, startle, marvel, weary

Spelling Homework Menu

Week of October 29, 2012

by: Valrie Flournoy

Reading Vocabulary- Tested Friday

arrangements - Planning done beforehand; preparation
gatherings-A coming together of people
homestead-A house with the land and buildings belonging to it
pitches in- To start working with other people to get a job done
reunions-  A gathering of members of a group who have not seen each other for a while
satisfaction- The condition of being pleased and contented

Spelling Words -Tested Friday

wood, brook, tool, put, wool, push, full, roof, group, prove, stood, stool, hook, smooth, shoot, bush, fool, pull, soup, move, soot, marooned, pudding, superb

  Go to Our Spelling City webpage for lots of fun ways to practice your words!

Spelling Homework Menu

Week of September 24, 2012

conductor -the person in charge of a railroad train or subway
depot-a railroad or bus station
jolting-to move, ride, or cause to move in a jerky way
lurching- sudden, heavy, unsteady movements to one side or forward
platform- a raised floor or surface, for example, by a track at a train station
satchels- a small bag used for carrying books, clothing, or other small items

Spelling Words -Tested Friday

steel, steal, lead, led, wait, weight, wear, ware, creak, creek, beet, beat, meet, meat,  peek, peak, deer, dear, ring, wring

 Our Spelling City Webpage!

Week of September 17, 2012

plaques -flat markers that are engraved with words
shipwreck- wrecked or ruined ship
survivors- people who have stayed alive
unsinkable- impossible to sink
voyage- a long journey to a distant land
wreckage- the remains of something that has been destroyed

Spelling Words -Tested Friday

brush, juice, fruit, tube, lunch, crumb, few, true, truth, done, suit, pump, due, dull, tune, blew, trunck, sum, glue, threw, newscast, commute, continue, attitude, slumber


Week of September 10, 2012

We will be taking Benchmark tests this week. There will not be any new vocabulary or spelling words tested. Keep reading and practicing those multiplication facts!

Week of September 10, 2012. 

SWITCHED the week of September 17th Due to Benchmark Testing!

plaques -flat markers that are engraved with words
shipwreck- wrecked or ruined ship
survivors- people who have stayed alive
unsinkable- impossible to sink
voyage- a long journey to a distant land
wreckage- the remains of something that has been destroyed

Spelling Words -Tested Friday

brush, juice, fruit, tube, lunch, crumb, few, true, truth, done, suit, pump, due, dull, tune, blew, trunck, sum, glue, threw, newscast, commute, continue, attitude, slumber


Week of September 3, 2012

by: Allen Say

Reading Vocabulary- Tested Friday

homeland- The country in which one was born or has lived for a long time
longed -To wish or want very much
bewildered- To puzzle greatly
surrounded- To put all around
reminded- To make someone remember something
marveled- To be filled with surprise, amazement, or wonder

Spelling Words -Tested Friday

snow, grind, still, coast, odd, crime, gold, wrote, flight, build, broke, blind, folk, grown, shock, ripe, coal, inch, sigh, built, drop, mix, smoke, sight, know, remind, approach, rigid, recognize, continent


Week of August 27, 2012
A Tale from the Iditarod
by: Robert J. Blake

Reading Vocabulary- Tested Friday

blizzard- A very long, heavy snowstorm with strong winds
checkpoint -A place along a route where a check or count is made
courageous- Having or showing courage; brave
experience- Possessing skill or knowledge from having done a particular thing in the past
musher- The driver of a dog sled team
rugged- Having a rough, uneven surface

Spelling Words -Tested Friday


  1. Angelina just showed me the blog and I am so excited about it. I'm looking forward in getting information on what's going on in the class. And any helpful hints in helping my daughter in anyway possible : )

  2. John Miller,
    I think this website is a very well thought out and helpful site that Quevan and I will use. Quevan loves to learn new words and make freinds. Quevan told me about this wonderful website just as I came to her house. I am a trucker so I don't get to see her that much.

  3. We are glad that you guys are using our class blog! It is such a great resource to stay connected with our class! Keep checking back....
