Monday, October 29, 2012

School T-Shirts on Sale

Do you think we have School Spirit? Every Friday each grade level will compete against each other! The class with the most students/teachers wearing either their school T-shirt or TEAM jersey will be announced! We sure hope that the Furr/Pope TEAM wins!

Vocabulary Parade



Just a quick reminder that CLE's Vocabulary Parade will be on Wednesday 10/31! I look forward to seeing all the creative costumes coming in that day! The parade will start at 9:00am. Parents are welcome to come sit outside our classroom and watch the parade go by. Be sure to bring your cameras!

 Here are a few creative Vocabulary Words in full costume for some ideas....

Totem Pole and Tree

Can you guess what word Mrs. Pope or Ms. Furr will be dressed as?  The first correct guess will win a homework pass!